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Calamintha nepeta 'Blue Cloud'

Common Name:
Plant Type:
Deciduous perennial
Lamiaceae (The Mint Family)
Geographic Origin:
Northern Europe
California Native?:
Plant Size:
12-18 inches
Landscape/Garden Uses:
Mixed plantings
Flowering Season:
Summer and fall
Flower Color:
Lavender blue
Sun or light shade
Well-drained soil
Suggested Irrigation:
Moderate to occasional watering
Estimated Hardiness:
Hardy to 0 degrees F. or less
Calamint is a mounding, bushy plant growing about 2 feet tall, with dense grey green foliage and small clusters of 3/4 inch lavender blue blossoms borne in summer, resembling those of some of the salvias. It seems quite easy to grow, given sun, ordinary soils, and moderate to occasional watering.