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Canna 'Black Knight'

Common Name:
Canna lily
Plant Type:
Tuberous perennial
Cannaceae (The Canna Family)
Geographic Origin:
Hybrid origin
California Native?:
Plant Size:
To 5-6 feet
Landscape/Garden Uses:
bold display
Flowering Season:
Summer and fall
Flower Color:
Sun or light shade
Most soils
Suggested Irrigation:
Regular to moderate watering
Estimated Hardiness:
Hardy to 10 degrees F. or less
'Black Knight' combines bold red purple leaves and dark red flowers for a lush tropical effect. Cannas are robust perennials, making broad thickets from branched tubers. Their heavy stems rise 4-8 feet and are lined by broad, often shiny leaves up to 3 feet long. Irregular flowers somewhat resembling those of the ginger lilies (Hedychium) are clustered on stalks above the foliage in summer and fall.