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Canna 'Erebus'

Common Name:
Water canna
Plant Type:
Tuberous perennial
Cannaceae (The Canna Family)
Geographic Origin:
Hybrid origin
California Native?:
Plant Size:
To 5 feet+
Landscape/Garden Uses:
bold display
Flowering Season:
Summer and fall
Flower Color:
Light pink
Sun or light shade
Well-drained soil
Suggested Irrigation:
Regular to moderate watering
Estimated Hardiness:
Hardy to 15 degrees F. or less
Hybrids of Canna glauca are a little less overwhelming than many others in cultivation. Most of them grow 4-6 feet tall and have relatively slender rhizomes and stems and smaller leaves. Both leaves and stems are an attractive blue to grey green in color. 'Erebus' displays salmon pink flowers in summer and fall. It can be completely immersed in ponds or grown in the open garden with no more attention than other cannas.