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Chaenomeles 'Toyo Nishiki'

Common Name:
Flowering quince
Plant Type:
Deciduous shrub
Rosaceae (The Rose Family)
Geographic Origin:
Hybrid origin
California Native?:
Plant Size:
4-6 feet
Landscape/Garden Uses:
Foundation plantings
Flowering Season:
Flower Color:
Light pink
Sun or light shade
Most soils
Suggested Irrigation:
Moderate watering
Estimated Hardiness:
Hardy to 0 degrees F. or less
'Toyo Nishiki' has graceful long branches bearing flowers of several different shades, from deep coral-pink to white and often mixing various shades in the same flower.It is easy to grow in a variety of soils, with sun and moderate watering. Occasional hard pruning helps to rejuvenate the plants and increase flowering in successive years. Apple scab can disfigure the leaves near the coast; pulling off infected leaves and pruning the plants to keep all parts exposed to sun and moving air, are effective remedies. Fire blight, which travels down the stems from recent flowers or wounds, attacks some flowering quince selections; watch for blackened stems, and prune them out, cutting well below any visible sign of infection.