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Dudleya brittonii--green form

Common Name:
Giant chalk dudleya
Plant Type:
Succulent perennial
Crassulaceae (The Stonecrop Family)
Geographic Origin:
California Native?:
Plant Size:
1-2 feet high
Landscape/Garden Uses:
rock gardens
Flowering Season:
Flower Color:
Pale yellow
Sun or light shade
Well-drained soil
Suggested Irrigation:
Occasional to little watering
Estimated Hardiness:
Hardy to 20-25 degrees F.
Huge succulent rosette from Baja California has bright medium green leaves. The most commonly cultivated form of this species has silvery white leaves, but green forms do occur regularly in its native habitat. Spring and summer flower stems can extend to 2 feet or more and display small yellow flowers. This handsome plant is best planted where it will not be frequently watered; if in containers it can be useful to tilt them in winter so water does not collect around the crown of the plant.