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Salvia melissodora

Common Name:
Grape-scented sage
Plant Type:
Evergreen shrub
Lamiaceae (The Mint Family)
Geographic Origin:
California Native?:
Plant Size:
To 6 feet
Landscape/Garden Uses:
Mixed plantings
Flowering Season:
Spring to fall
Flower Color:
Lavender blue
Sun or light shade
Most soils
Suggested Irrigation:
Moderate to occasional watering
Estimated Hardiness:
Hardy to 25-30 degrees F.
This plant is upright but bushy in habit, with many slender twigs. These are closely lined with bright green 1 inch leaves, furry beneath. It seems to bloom most of the year, with many short stalks carrying interrupted clusters of fragrant flowers, each combining shades of lavender and darker purple. It is easily grown, though hardy only to about 25 deg.F, or a little less.